Wednesday 29 February 2012

Wednesday Wonders

Well, feel fabulous this morning after my FightDo class last night, ventured out in the rain (it lashed it down) so was like a drowned rat when I reached the gym, but soon shook off the damp and flung myself into the class, so glad I got off my backside and actually went.

Today has been very enlightening, I've come across a great site, Pinterest which has given me the opportunity to view some amazing websites that actually do "interest" me.

We try to eat and live a healthy lifestyle and it's always great to come across some inspiration on menus and also fitness training plans.  There are a load of blogs which specialize in Clean Living and I'm going to be making the most out of them!

Starting with some All Natural No Bake energy bites from, we always look for some afternoon snack's especially after a visit to the gym in the morning, so these would be ideal to just grab mid afternoon and stave off any sweet cravings!

These look delicious and are really easy to make, so I'll post later once I've made them as to how good they actually taste.

It's only the first recipe in a long line of "must try" for the next few weeks!

But for this evening's meal, I've gone to and will be having the Chicken Adobo, it's cold today (even a little snow fall) so a real winter warmer is called for.  This will be followed by our usual dessert of granola, fat free yoghurt and some strawberries.  I'm actually getting hungry now just typing this.

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Making a decision and sticking to it!

The weather has been really poor recently and I kind of feel the lethargic drag descending upon my mood, just wanting to sit on the sofa, drink coffee and snack.  But I'm trying to change my mind set, it's so easy to give in and just curl up and wait for the warmer weather to come, but I've got a plan and I want to stick to it.

Today is a perfect example, it's been lashing it down and I've been thinking about giving the gym a miss, it'll be ok, I'll go tomorrow, that kind of excuse making that comes a little too easy at the moment.  But I've realised that this is just nonsense talk, it's not ok to keep putting things off and I've got to motivate myself into getting out there and getting stuff done.

So, that said, after this post I shall be packing up my gear and heading down to the gym for my evening class of Fight Do.  I've only been doing this class a few weeks, but I love it.  My energy levels increase and I feel great, see just talking about it here has set my resolve to actually braving the rain and going to class.

I want to be fitter and healthier and that means taking action and as many fitness trainers say "you can 't phone it in!"
